New lab.

Hello, world.

New lab.

Hello, world.

Two months ago, I started in the Biology Department at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution as an Assistant Scientist. The processes has been otherworldly. Suddenly I find myself the steward of my own ship (read: lab). My emotional state seems to oscillate between excited exhilaration and existential terror (O 3 kHz). I have spent the last 11 (or more) years working towards this very moment– so it is surreal to have officially arrived. And now… what? Grants, papers, setting up a wet lab, navigating tenure, defining my scientific brand?

One thing I would like to practice more than I have during previous career stages is making writing more of a habit. Voicing myself in a public sphere has always made me nervous (reference that time in first grade when I got a nosebleed while leading the class in the pledge of allegiance). Be it giving a scientific talk, speaking up in a meeting or seminar, or tweeting (oh hey, you, follow me @nekton4plankton), I have to push by the jitters and psych myself up a bit.

So, consider this blog my attempt to habituate myself to making my thoughts more public. Topics to be covered will likely include: science, new PI life, computational blunders and wins, and life in a small, science-y fishing village.

Harriet Alexander
Associate Scientist

Harriet heads up the Alexander Lab and probably spends a bit too much time thinking about automation.

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